Six Figure Flower Farming Workshop

Grow Your Hobby Into a Profitable Business

The Six-Figure Flower Farming Workshop is a 2 day immersive learning program for driven flower growers who want to Develop a concrete plan with clear, actionable steps to scale their flower hobby into a profitable business and live they love.

You’ll join other farmers at Trademarks Flower Farm, located in Clifton Springs, NY where you will learn the skills, techniques, and systems you need to grow your farm from nothing to a flourishing, profitable, and streamlined business.

You’ll gain hands-on training to learn how to set up your business for success from the start and turn a profit on one acre or less. This is a comprehensive, one-of-a-kind workshop. You cannot get this type of hands-on experience elsewhere.

If you have felt completely overwhelmed with information and are anxious about the investments of starting a flower farm, this is the right place to learn.

If you have the drive to make this work but have no clue where to start, we’ll guide you through the process to create your own unique action plan to success that specifically suits your needs and goals. You’ll learn exactly what is needed, the best way to get a customer base, and how to get set your business up correctly.

If you have a lack of direction, and need clarity on actionable steps to start a profitable flower-growing business and a life you love, we’ll teach you how to make a concrete plan to live a life on your own terms.

If you desperately want to do something that you love and makes you happy, that DOESN’T involve the mundane 9-5 lifestyle, you will learn exactly how to do that here.

If you are frustrated at your lack of knowledge about the flower business in general, you’ll learn how to navigate that, select the right sales outlets for you, and thrive in your own local market.

Life on a small farm absolutely can provide financial stability for you and your family, but only if you have the business skills to make it happen. You can leave a job you hate and spend your days doing work that is fulfilling and rewarding instead.

During this workshop, you’ll gain firsthand, practical experience with farming practices like small-scale growing efficiencies that will skyrocket profits, key factors to success, and also will get insider knowledge on flower marketing and sales. You’ll get personalized Q & A sessions, where you’ll be able to ask as many questions as you can come up with.

Perhaps most importantly, in a world where everything has shifted to lonely, online learning: The in-person format of this workshop is life-changing. You’ll forge relationships with other growers that will serve as your support group and flower community. Your “flower friends” will become your biggest advocates - something that is near impossible to do through an online course. The hands-on experience you gain will propel you lightyears ahead of the competition.

Convert your hobby into a legitimate career

  • Walk away with a concrete plan of actionable steps to grow your hobby into a profitable business you love

  • Create a plan to increase profits or leave a job you hate

  • Learn tools, systems, and resources that will fast-track your skills and save you years of time & effort

  • Gain knowledge on how to set up your business properly from the start

  • Streamline your sales outlets, products, and profits

  • Learn specific farming techniques you need to be efficient, scale your farm, and succeed

  • Get training in vital marketing and sales strategies

  • Full access to invaluable information systems and templates

  • Forge indispensable relationships within a community of like-minded flower nerds and growers

  • Learn advanced management techniques through expert tutorials

  • Gain support for your dreams and the confidence you need to pursue them

  • Learn strategies to turn a profit, even if you’re building your farm on a shoestring budget

  • Tour a legitimate successful small-scale flower farm in action

Workshop Schedule

This full-immersion farming workshop runs for two days ON Monday, July 24th and Tuesday July 25, 2023.

There is an optional half-day session on July 26th that will specifically cover season extension and growing in hoop houses.

What’s covered:

Learn about what’s included in this one-of-a-kind workshop:


  • Exclusive Farm Tour of Trademarks Flower Farm

  • Sales Outlets & Marketing

  • Business Planning

  • Soil Nutrition, Fertility, & Testing

  • Propagation, Seed Starting & Greenhouse Design

  • Multi-faceted Weed Management

  • Business Marketing & Customer Base 101

  • Social Hour, Professional Networking & Relationship Building


  • Pest & Disease Management

  • Water Management & Irrigation Basics

  • Analyzing Profitability

  • Crop Planning 101

  • Harvest

  • Post-Harvest

  • Crop-Specific / Business Education

  • Special Considerations

  • General Q&A


  • How to massively increase profits with Hoophouses

  • Hoophouse Structures, Design, Costs, Considersations

  • Hoophouse Water & Ventilation Management

  • Hoophouse Soil & Weed Management

  • Hoophouse Pest and Disease Management: Common Issues, Prevention & Solutions

  • Most Profitable and Suitable Crops For Hoophouse Production

  • Crop Scheduling / Season Extension

  • Overwintering & Frost Cloth Management

Bonus Materials

Additional Bonus Resources include:

  • Lists of reliable plant, plug, seed, material, and tool suppliers

  • Technical guides

  • Post-harvest handling cheat-sheets/guides

  • Take-home information

About The Teacher

Jenny Marks is owner of Trademarks Flower Farm, a thriving & profitable 1 -acre flower farm located in the beautiful Finger Lakes Region of NY state.

Jenny grew up on a farm, but despite being involved in many different aspects of agriculture over her lifetime, she struggled to get her business off the ground for YEARS.

Without the proper business education, she struggled to make even a few dollars for her first few years in business. Finally realizing that she needed more than just quality flowers to build a profitable business, she began to obsessively read and research over many years in order the gain the knowledge that eventually led her to the thriving, small-scale business she has today.

She’s since developed a system where you can create your own concrete, actionable plan to achieve a profitable farm and life you love - even if you plan to transition to full-time flower growing one day.

In this one-of-a-kind, comprehensive flower business workshop, she is thrilled to teach the skills, tools, and systems she wishes she had back when she first started. Once Jenny figured out the business skills she needed, she quickly grew her farm from from a blank disaster to a thriving operation with 6 hoop houses, a heated propagation greenhouse, an equipment storage barn, fenced-in livestock pastures, and a brand new flower processing barn and design studio space.

You can achieve this, too.

Jenny started her flower farm as a side-hustle, and grew it to the place where it could replace her full-time income (all while remaining completely debt free, aside from the mortgage). She encourages beginning farmers to take the same approach, and teaches students the necessary skills to grow professionally and begin earning profits they deserve.

Jenny started teaching this workshop because she understands how difficult it can be to find a clear direction when you’re first starting out, and knows how much of a struggle it can feel to get a new flower business of the ground. Whether you plan to grow a small-scale profitable farm as a side-hustle, or want to grow it into a full-time business, you’ll learn the exact skills you need to achieve this with clear direction and without overwhelm, anxiety, or doubt.

This Workshop Is Designed For:

  • Beginning farmers with a dream to grow their farm into a profitable full-time or part-time business

  • Experienced growers wishing to improve farm productivity, effectiveness, efficiency, or profits

  • Growers that feel beyond ready to take the leap and move their business to the next level

  • Farmers who want to build a meaningful, profitable business they love without overwhelm

This workshop is NOT for people who:

  • Want advice of legalities, taxes, or business tax structures

  • Are looking for a “get rich quick” business model. Farming requires grit, tenacity, risk, discernment, and A TON of hard work over time.

  • Are afraid of hard work, dedication, and the trade-offs it takes to succeed in farming and small-scale business.

  • Want to learn the very basics of cut flower growing

Space is limited and spots will sell out quickly

Flower Farming Workshop

What Farmers Have Said about working with JEnny:

“Jenny, I greatly enjoyed our consultation! You opened my eyes to areas of flower farming that I haven't ever considered. Your knowledge and resourses you provided during the sessions will be very valuable this growing season. Most importantly, thank you for the encouragement as I grow my business! It's so wonderful to have a fellow farmer on your side!”

“I am even more motivated now than ever!”

“The specific part I loved best was being able to ask whatever questions I was dying to have answered!”

“Jenny is an absolute wealth of information! Without her expert guidance, I would be so far behind. Thank you so much for openly sharing so much of your experience with me, it has been a total game-changer

“The opportunity to ask an experienced flower farmer typically taboo questions on things like sales, financials, and work-life balance was INVALUABLE, thank you!”


When does the workshop take place?

The workshop takes place for two full days on: Monday, July 24, 2023 from 8am - 8pm & Tuesday, July 25th, 2023 from 8am - 5pm. There is an optional half-day session on Wednesday, July 26th, 2023 from 8am - noon, focusing specifically on seasonal extension with hoop houses

Where is the workshop located?

At Trademarks Flower Farm: 654 Larue Road, Clifton Springs, NY 14432

When can I sign up?

Registration is open now for the 2023 session and closes when spots sell out (spots are limited).

Are meals included?

Yes! A light breakfast with basic refreshments, lunch, and dinner is included on Monday. Light breakfast, refreshments & coffee and lunch are included on Tuesday (Dinner is not included on Tuesday to allow for travel time). Light breakfast, refreshments & coffee are included on Wednesday.

Is lodging included?

No. All participants will have the option to book their own lodging according to their personal preferences.

Are travel costs covered?

No. Individuals are responsible for their own transportation costs to and from Trademarks Flower Farm.

Can I Register for only one day of the multi-day workshop?

No, if you register for the workshop you are registering for the full two day schedule, plus you have the option to register for an additional third half-day (which covers hoophouse growing). We expect students to attend the entire workshop in order to acquire the complete benefits of the course syllabus.

Do you offer refunds if I decide I no longer want to attend?

No, all registration fees are final. There are no refunds or exchanges for any reason once you have purchased a spot to attend.